A family system is constructed of a complex web of emotional and behavioral cycles are not necessarily evident to us on a day-to-day basis. For better or for worse, the ways that these factors interact with each other dictate much of each family members daily experience as well as the future experiences. These early life interactions provide a blueprint for relationships that each of us carries with us throughout our lives.

Anyone seeking healthier, more effective family relationships can benefit from family therapy.

Common reasons for seeking family therapy include:

  • Parental discord

  • Parent-child conflict

  • Difficulty with co-parenting

  • Grief/Loss

  • A family member struggling with mental health problems

  • Communication deficits between family members

Some positive family therapy outcomes are:

  • Strategies to develop and maintain boundaries

  • Fostered sense of cohesion and communication among family members

  • Promotes problem-solving through an understanding of family patterns and dynamics

  • Builds empathy and understanding.

  • Reduces family conflict

Studies show that family therapy is particularly important for families with members who struggle with substance abuse, eating disorders, and other behavioral issues. Improving the family system allows each of its members to draw strength and support from it.